
Civil War Buffs Stage Event

Troops in Union blue and Confederate gray will transform Odessa into an 1862 war camp during the weekend of Oct. 3-4. The 61st New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, a group of Civil War buffs, will stage a Civil War Weekend highlighting facets of life in the 1860s.

The weekend will feature several skirmishes and a battle, complete with the rattle of musket volleys, the roar of cannons and the cries of battle amid charges and retreats. The regiment will set up camp for hundreds of men, women and children adjacent to the Corbit-Sharp House, part of Historic Houses of Odessa, owned and administered by Winterthur Museum and Gardens.

On Saturday a period fashion show will take place in the Corbit-Sharp garden. On both Saturday and Sunday a “School of the Musician” will demonstrate how young drummer boys learned the art of battle drumming.


Tickets for the Civil War Weekend will be on sale in the cobblestone court in front of the Corbit-Sharp House. Adult admission is $4, children under 12, $2.
