
Discounts in Europe

Assorted discounts involving hotels and car rentals are available if you are Europe-bound.

Hertz, for example, has an arrangement with two hotel chains to provide travelers with a room for a night if you book a car and purchase vouchers for five nights’ accommodations. Your stays can be at different hotels within the chains, and not necessarily on a consecutive-night basis.

In Great Britain, the free night is available at the properties of Trusthouse Forte, which has about 130 hotels participating. A full English breakfast is included.

On the Continent, the free night--including continental breakfast--comes at any of the Crest Hotels International in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and West Germany. Most of the approximately 130 Crest Hotels participating are in West Germany and the Netherlands.


With either chain, you can book your first European hotel night in the United States, and then make the rest of your reservations while traveling.

This offer is good until the end of the year at the Trusthouse Forte Hotels, and until March 31 with Crest. Contact travel agents or Hertz at (800) 223-6472. Hertz can also send you a free brochure about this program.

Pan Am is offering a Kemwel economy rental car for a week, with unlimited mileage, for $58 if you fly round trip to Europe on the carrier. The car offer, good until Sept. 30, is based on two people traveling together.


Reservations for the car have to be made at least seven days in advance. You can pick up the car at Kemwel airport stations in Western Europe and Yugoslavia. The offer isn’t good in Finland, Israel, Turkey, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania or the Soviet Union. Count on a drop-off charge if you return the car to a different station than where you picked it up. The rates go up if you want the car for a second week.

For information call Pan Am at (800) 221-1111.
