
Mayor’s Job Not Just For Show

We are disappointed and quite unhappy with this statement in an article by Patricia Klein (April 23) headlined “Hidden Hills to Fill Council Vacancy May 4”:

“The council’s four remaining members Monday elected Councilwoman Kathleen Bartizal to the largely ceremonial post of mayor, Paglia said.”

In the first place, the statement was credited to City Clerk Cherie Paglia, who did say that I was elected mayor, but did not call it a “largely ceremonial post” or anything closely related to that concept. In the second place, the statement is untrue. As the mayor, I expect to work very hard and put in many hours on behalf of the citizens of Hidden Hills, as all of the City Council members do, even though they are voluntary positions.


In the future, we would certainly hope that the news is reported truthfully and accurately, with no misquotes.


Hidden Hills
