

The worse poison is ignorance, and Dennis Hunt showed his when he asked Bret Michaels if glam-band Poison’s wearing of make-up leads some to think they are gay (Faces, April 26).

This is no different than asking Bono Hewson if U2’s growing wealth leads some to believe they are Jewish, or asking Los Lobos if their Mexican heritage causes the mistaken impression that they are lazy drunks.

Michaels compounded the slander by defending his band as “real men” who dislike the association with “being women.” Simple logic proves that men who are attracted to other men have the least desire of anyone to be women.


Ten years experience (including founding L.A.’s largest gay newspaper, Frontiers, and hardest rock club, Rockers!--which happens to be gay) has taught this rocker that rock’s biggest attraction to gay and bisexual men is its rebel masculinity.


West Hollywood
