
The Death of Carl Rogers

I would like to commend your staff writer Janny Scott for her sensitive and detailed report on the death of Carl Rogers (Times, Feb. 6). The sole fault I find with her otherwise exceptionally fine article is that I am quoted as wondering whether the Carl Rogers Institute for Peace would continue after his death.

Of all his activities and interests in recent years, the Institute for Peace was probably the dearest to Carl Rogers’ heart and he had prepared in advance specific written instructions for its continuation after his death. For example, one of his associates has been designated to take his place on the trip to the Soviet Union in March and negotiations are continuing to bring the former presidents of three Central American governments to San Diego later this year.

I did state that the death of Dr. Rogers presents a real challenge to all those of us who work with the Person Centered Approach to find out to what extent we may have depended upon his charisma in the past and to learn how we are going to progress in the future without it. I certainly did not intend to single out the Institute for Peace in this context. Indeed, it is the one project for whose continuation Rogers had made the most specific arrangements in advance.


I mean this letter only as a clarification, not as a criticism of Janny Scott.


Professor of

Counselor Education

San Diego State University
