
Fullerton : Arms Control Will Be Cal State Lecture Topic

Arms control will be the topic discussed by Arnold Horlick, director of the Rand-UCLA Center for the study of Soviet International Behavior, in a lecture March 12 at Cal State Fullerton, university officials announced.

Horlick’s talk--”Reagan-Gorbachev: Is Time Running Out for Disarmament?”-- will be held at 8 p.m. in the University Center Theater on the campus at Nutwood Avenue and State College Boulevard.

Before joining the faculty at UCLA, Horlick was a visiting professor of political science at Columbia, Caltech and Cornell. From 1977 to 1980, he worked in Washington as an intelligence officer covering the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


Horlick’s current research has focused on Soviet foreign and military policy, U.S.-Soviet relations and arms control.

The lecture is the latest in a series of programs sponsored by the Russian and East European studies program and the Russian Studies Student Assn. at the university. For more information, contact Robert Feldman, director of the university’s Russian studies program, at (714) 773-2594.
