
The Region - News from Dec. 29, 1986

A jail inmate awaiting trial for allegedly murdering his parents bled to death at County-USC Medical Center after complaining of stomach pains and refusing exploratory surgery, authorities said. Robert Spitz, 44, died of a hemorrhage in his digestive tract after he was was transferred from the Men’s Central Jail, where he had complained of abdominal pains Friday night, sheriff’s deputies said. “It appeared to have been caused by bacteria and not by any caustic substance,” Deputy Jim Morrow said, commenting on the results of a coroner’s autopsy. He said further toxicological tests were ordered and results were not expected for about two weeks. Spitz was suspected of beating and stabbing his parents, Marvin Spitz, 70, and Myrtle Spitz, 68, in their home Feb. 27 in West Hills in the San Fernando Valley.
