
Lynwood : Anti-Drug March, Rally

Nearly 100 people staged a protest march against the proliferation of the selling and use of cocaine on the streets of the city and surrounding areas.

The two-mile march, organized by the Truevine Baptist Church of Lynwood, started at the church and ended at the steps of city hall.

Mayor Robert Henning and Councilwoman Evelyn Wells participated in the march and an anti-drug rally at city hall.


The city hall rally included a program of speeches by ministers, government officials and former drug users.

“We are trying to bring an awareness to the community of the dangers of cocaine. It is important that the church, that Christians, speak out,” said Greg Tatum, 27, an associate pastor of Truevine.

Tatum, who said he had personally been affected by cocaine trafficking because a family member had been seriously wounded recently during a street sale, called for city governments and residents to band together and combat the problem.
