
Proposition 61: Salary Limits

Your editorial, “Proposition 61: Bad Medicine,” started off OK, but you forgot to finish it. It should be “Proposition 61: Bad Medicine for Government: Good Medicine for the Taxpayer.”

Good medicine for the following reasons:

1--No bureaucrat is worth a fraction of what he is getting now.

2--Quality people, by definition, will never end up in government (thank God!).

3--There are millions of people out there who will jump at any abandoned government job at a fraction of the present bloated wages.

4--Bureaucrats should never be allowed to live first class; that is reserved for the people who pay the bills.


5--To preserve liberty for all, the size of the government class must be sharply reduced.

6--The people have a right and duty to regain the purse strings of government.

Those who support government forget who the real rulers are in this country and what this country is all about.


