

Here is a solution to the problem a legitimate nation faces when it is attacked by terrorists who demand release from prison of their fellow terrorists being held in jail in that nation: Make it known to the world by announcement or otherwise (possibly execution) that a call from a terrorist group for the release of terrorist prisoners will result in automatic execution of those prisoners by the nation holding them.

Further, the nation adopting such a policy should establish in its body of law the fact that those terrorists calling for the prisoner(s) release and following their call with a terrorist act are actually the murderers and are subject to prosecution for that crime.

Some people may call a policy of this nature counter-terrorism--and it truly is. Others will decry the need of taking life. But if a legitimate nation is determined to protect its civilians from random bombings, death and mutilation it must be strong enough to counter the terrorists with a sturdy resolve and an uncompromising belief in its right to protect its institutions, its public servants and its citizens at any cost.



Los Angeles
