
Norwalk : Economy in Council Bid

Randell Economy, a former Norwalk public information officer and the first professional campaign manager hired for a City Council race in the city, began fund raising last week after he announced his intention to run in the 1988 council race.

Economy, who moved to Norwalk less than a month ago, said he filed for a state campaign identification number from the secretary of state’s office to begin fund raising almost a year-and-a-half before the election. He said he wants to raise $25,000 by April and up to $50,000 before the election, when incumbents Robert White and Margaret (Peg) Nelson are up for reelection.

Economy orchestrated Councilwoman Grace Napolitano’s successful, if expensive, election to the council. Napolitano, the first challenger to win in the city’s history, spent more than $27,000.


Economy said he wants to offer Norwalk residents “a new sense of leadership” and work “hand in hand” with the Latino community. He said he also wants to increase the level of the city’s social services.

Economy, who has lived in Cerritos for 15 years, insisted he did not move into the city solely to run for office. “I’ve really been involved in Norwalk for a long time,” he said. “I know what Norwalk is all about.”
