
‘Stop the Rocks’ Bill Weakened

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment at the emasculation of Assemblyman Katz’s bill that would have required trucks carrying loose rocks or gravel to cover their loads.

It is my belief that the problems caused by loose rock and gravel on the state’s freeways go beyond the property damage created. There is also a severe safety hazard created by these loads because people are anxious to avoid being behind trucks that are spewing out rocks and sand. This prompts them to speed, make dangerous lane changes or slow down to the point of becoming obstacles to cars coming behind them.

I know that when I am behind a rock-spitting truck, listening to the “crack” and “ping” of sand and gravel hitting my glass and paint work, I want desperately to be someplace else.


I encourage your readers to contact their representative in the State Assembly to support this legislation.


Long Beach
