
6 Junior College Coaches May Be Spared Layoffs

A resolution that would change the salary structure of coaching and spare at least six physical education instructors from layoffs is expected to be approved today at a noon meeting of the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees.

The resolution, which would be an amendment to the district’s contract with the faculty union, would guarantee the future of about 40 intercollegiate athletic teams in the nine-college district for the 1986-1987 school year. This year, there were 76 teams.

Current negotiations between district staff and faculty union representatives could secure as many as 10 other teams for next year. Those talks center on the use of instructors from outside physical education as coaches of athletic teams.


This staffing method has been employed in the past, but with 48 full-time instructors--including 13 in physical education--scheduled to be laid off on June 30, legal concerns have been raised by the faculty union over the use of non-PE teachers as coaches.

The planned layoffs include five instructors who coached teams this year. In addition, 23 part-time coaches will be fired once the layoffs take effect, in accordance with the faculty union’s contract.

Fewer than three months remain before fall sports seasons begin. District athletic directors are relieved that the district negotiations are coming to an end.


“We pretty much know what we’re going to do now,” Trade-Tech Athletic Director Courtney Borio said. “But there are a couple of cases that still have to be resolved before we go to our conference meetings.”

At those meetings, which will take place in two weeks, district schools will begin to prepare for their newly scaled-down athletic programs.

The resolution on today’s agenda, which faculty and district representatives expect to pass, would also give instructors reduced course loads instead of a stipend for coaching. Instructors who coach will also receive time during the off-season for recruiting and scheduling.


Replacement teachers would be needed if instructors are taken away from the classroom to coach. Six of the 13 physical education instructors designated for layoffs, therefore, would not be laid off. Of the remaining seven that would be laid off, five coached teams this year.
