
‘After a Handgun Ban, the Death Rate Will Soar’

Benenson’s article must be answered. He quotes, “criminologist” Don B. Kates Jr. It should be made clear that this is the same Don B. Kates who defended the mandatory gun ownership law in Kennesaw, Ga., and is the author of a number of pro-gun articles. He testified at hearings in San Francisco in November in favor of the McClure-Volkmer bill, which is opposed by every major law enforcement organization because it weakens present laws. It would be difficult to agree that these could be the impartial statements of a criminologist.

Benenson refers to those who want to eliminate handguns from American society. The major handgun control organization is working to keep handguns out of the wrong hands by the registration process. They do not espouse a ban on handguns. The majority (70%) of the American public, including gun owners, favor registration.


San Mateo
