
Peace March Departure Schedule

The Great Peace March Concert and Departure Ceremonies will be held Saturday from 1 to about 4:15 p.m. at City Hall, on Spring Street between Temple and 1st streets.

The schedule includes recorded music at 1 p.m.; a performance by the Perri Band at 1:30; welcome of the peace marchers, who are arriving on foot from the Coliseum, at 2:15; a performance by singer Holly Near at 2:30; a welcome by Mayor Tom Bradley and Councilman Joel Wachs at 3 p.m.; a performance by signer Melissa Manchester at 3:10, followed by rock groups Mr. Mister and Speck; greetings from Linda Smith of Mothers Embracing Nuclear Disarmament and the presentation of a spark from the torch at Hiroshima by a survivor of that nuclear explosion, and a message from actor Robert Blake, who is going along on the march.

In closing, actor Ed Begley Jr. will introduce the march founder and leader, David Mixner. After Mixner’s speech, the marchers will head for Cal State L.A.


The concert and departure ceremonies are free and open to the public.
