
Screening Donations

Maureen O’Connor is currently proclaiming in a radio commercial that she will accept no money from developers. This statement raised two questions in my mind.

One, since the implication is that if she did accept money from developers, she would then be obligated to them, who is she obligated to? What segments of the community are qualified, in her opinion, to contribute to her campaign? And, if elected, what special interests will she then be serving?

The second question is, why are land developers being singled out as undesirable members of the community? Without land developers, San Diego would still be a town of dairy farms, beach cottages and naval housing--with a few mansions for the wealthy. Without land developers, most San Diegans would not be able to buy homes of their own. Without land developers, San Diego would not have the housing required to attract the businesses and industries that sustain our economy. Without land developers, there would be no way to protect existing communities from overcrowding and downgrading.


Without land developers, Ms. O’Connor, where do we go from here?


La Jolla
