
Deukmejian Reports Gifts Worth $13,000

From A Times Staff Writer

Gov. George Deukmejian reported Friday that he received nearly $13,000 worth of gifts last year, including a $500 Oriental rug, two tickets to the Superbowl and a monthly two-pound box of assorted chocolates that were consumed by his staff and guests.

Deukmejian, who is paid $49,100 a year as governor, made the disclosures in a statement of economic interests that he and other state officials are required to file annually with the state Fair Political Practices Commission.

The reports, intended to help prevent conflicts of interest, require officials to estimate the value of gifts and private income but do not require them to precisely state the value of their investments. Officials merely check a range, such as between $10,000 and $100,000.


Stock Holdings

The governor’s report showed he and his wife, Gloria, own stock in the Grand Prix Assn. of Long Beach, General Electric Co., Texaco Inc., and Unocal Corp. worth between $31,000 and $310,000. The last three stocks are the separate property of his wife.

Deukmejian said he earned $11,000 in speaking fees, including $5,000 for a speech at Claremont McKenna College.

The governor’s statement indicated no reportable real estate holdings. An aide said the law provides that state officials do not have to report their principal residence, which Deukmejian considers to be his Long Beach home. Deukmejian also lives in a Sacramento home purchased for him by a nonprofit foundation from leftover campaign funds.


Deukmejian was the first statewide officer to file his report. The deadline is March 3.
