
Depot Agreement Signed

The Jones and Capelino Co. this week signed an agreement with the city redevelopment agency to restore the old Pacific Electric Depot in Old Downtown Torrance.

The Planning Commission two weeks ago approved a conditional use permit for the rehabilitation of the 3,050-square-foot depot at 1250 Cabrillo Ave. for office use and the construction of a 14,144-square-foot, two-story commercial building next to it. The commercial building will contain a 2,883-square-foot restaurant and 2,045 square feet of retail space.

Under the agreement, the developers must complete restoration of the depot before occupying the adjacent building.


The depot was built in 1912 and was designed by California architect Irving Gill, who designed many of the major buildings when the city was developing.

The depot played a major part in the growth of the city because it served as the gateway for thousands of workers who came to work in the city’s factories before housing was available in the city.

The depot has been abandoned since 1981, and the city had been trying since then to get someone to restore it.
