
Party Time for San Marino Debutantes

Times Staff Writer

Parents of the San Marino Area Chapter of National Charity League debutantes home for the Thanksgiving holiday were giving their daughters happy reason to be thankful this week by centering them as the party attraction.

Silver bud vases containing a red rose and baby’s breath wrapped with a black bow tie arrived to announce “It’s Magic,” the party the David Walster Bryants host tonight at their home. The dinner tables will have flowers emerging from top hats.

Earlier this week, deb parents came dressy to the home of the John Mitchell Miliases to become better acquainted and catch the latest on the ball for the 26 debs to be held at the Beverly Wilshire on Dec. 23. The ball originally was scheduled, as always, at the Huntington-Sheraton, until it announced earthquake fatigue. So, it’s goodby to the Viennese Room, and hello to the tiered ballroom of the spacious and popular Beverly Wilshire.


Next week, Mrs. John Frederick King gathers the debutante mothers for last-minute questions at a luncheon in her San Marino home.

Saturday evening six young women of the San Fernando Valley National Charity League bow at the 20th annual Debutante Ball in the Beverly Wilshire ballroom.

John Joseph Herlihy will be the presenter, as each deb, a former member of the Ticktockers, makes her St. James bow and promenades to the music of Clark Keen.


Arriving guests will be greeted by Ruth and Russell Bolton (she’s honorary ball director), and by June and John Graham (she’s president).

The debutantes and their parents are Misses Brandyce Lee Accetta, Mrs. Jerilyn Russell Brown and Robert J. Accetta; Katherine Louise Donahoo, the Boyd W. Donahoos; Courtney M. Selan, the Fred Selans; Leslie Sevlian, the Armen M. Sevlians; Mary Margaret Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Stewart, and Diane Williamson, the Lyle Roger Williamsons.

Television Producer Norman Lear heads the committee sponsoring the premiere screening of the documentary film, “In Her Own Time,” Monday evening at the James A. Doolittle Theater. It’s a memorial celebration of the life and work of Barbara Myerhoff.


Arlene Alda, Matthew R. Solomon and Stacey and Henry Winkler are co-chairs. Gordon Davidson also leads the tribute.

Dr. Myerhoff was a USC anthropology professor until her death in January. The film is based on her field work in the Fairfax district. Proceeds will benefit the Hillels of USC and UCLA, the Myerhoff memorial fund at USC, and the Los Angeles Hillel Council.

Tickets are $75.

Actress Samantha Eggar is coming to the Center Theatre Group-Volunteers holiday luncheon Dec. 10, and she’ll share honors with Lindsey Nelson, general manager of the Doolittle Theater, according to president Judy Beckmen.


Miss Eggar has received the best actress award at the Cannes Film Festival, the Golden Globe Award for best actress and the New York Critics Award. No wonder Kim Peterson, program chairman, and Bette Cox, Gail Newman and Lesley Evans are thrilled.

Black-tie supper and dancing immediately follow Mikhail Baryshnikov’s production of “The Nutcracker” on Dec. 20 in the Shrine Auditorium. It’s a special $175 per person evening co-hosted by the American Ballet Theater and the Music Center Dance Presentations. Proceeds will be used to underwrite the ABT’s five weeks of performances in Los Angeles this week.

Some, such as the industrious Clara Yust, are on both boards. The ballet foundation is headed by Melville Straus, chairman, and Charles K. McWhorter, president.

Music Center Dance devotees are headed by Lloyd Rigler, chairman, and Michael Tennenbaum, president, and a lot of others, including Sheldon Andelson, Caryl Carothers, Hailey Dart, Catherine Firestone, Marcia Medavoy, Kitty Keck Moses, Charles I. Schneider, William Severns and LuAnne Wells.

Parents of students at Loyola High School plan festivities Dec. 7 at the Mother’s Guild Christmas Gala dinner dance on campus.

Greeting arrivals: Guild president Mrs. Jarrer Guerina; the Rev. Patrick Cahalan, Loyola president, and the Rev. Gordon Bennett, principal.


Arranging details are Mmes. Robert A. Smith, Thomas Von Der Ahe, Paul Vert and Robert Pernicky.

Acceptances have come from the Richard P. Byrnes, the Vernon Underwoods Jr., the Michael A. Waynes, the Philip M. Hawleys, the James P. Murphys and the Wayne Ratkoviches.

Phyllis Fuhrer, new president of the National Council of Auxiliaries of the AMC Cancer Research Center, will speak at the Southern California Council’s luncheon and fashion show Dec. 7 at Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City. A holiday gift boutique opens the benefit at 10:30 a.m. Holly Mitchell Presents will dominate the fashion show.

Works of romantic American impressionist Richard Judson Zolan will be exhibited and sold Dec. 7 at the Hancock Park home of Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kessler.

It’s a major effort for the United Cerebral Palsy/Spastic Children’s Foundation to provide programs for brain-injured children and adults. The Kesslers are foundation board members.

Festival of Festivity:

The India Arts Council of the Pacific Asia Museum collaborates with the Indo-U.S. Business Assn. on Thursday evening at Gaylord India Restaurant in Beverly Hills for dinner and festivities. Shafi Babu-Khan heads the dinner committee, assisted by Calliope Babu-Khan, and Ramesh Manghir Malani and A. J. Govindaraj . . .


Needlework pillows, plus, go on sale Monday in the Assistance League Tea Room, 1370 N. St. Andrews Place, at the Las Cosedoras-Benevolas Auxiliary of the Assistance League of Southern California annual Noel Luncheon and boutique. Mrs. Roger Lockwood is sale chairman . . .

Dale Ellen Shumate of Neiman-Marcus of Beverly Hills reports that the carriage entrance will be the arrival stop Tuesday when the store hosts an invitational holiday breakfast to celebrate “The Gifts of Imagination” . . .

Champagne brunch and a Christmas tree bazaar and holiday boutique are bundled into “A Touch of Holiday Splendor” by the San Fernando Valley chapter of the California Institute for Cancer Research at UCLA. It’s Sunday at Sportsmen’s Lodge. . . .

Holiday fashions are on the minds of Mildred Hutcherson and members of the Los Angeles branch of the National Assn. of University Women. The fashion feast is savored Saturday at the Century Plaza and features the talents of black designers. Martha Wallace is chairman . . .

The Beverly Hills Bar Assn. Foundation presents attorney Shirley M. Hufstedler its Norma Zarky Memorial Award Wednesday evening at a dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel. KABC Radio talk show host Michael Jackson is master of ceremonies. Receiving distinguished service awards will be lawyers Louis M. Brown, Louis B. Fox and Richard J. Kamins.
