
‘The Joy and Dismay of Discovering Spiders’

I really enjoyed Ginsburg’s clever little satire. Although I must admit it had me going at first. What a really clever guy! Started out as a total wimp, but with five different kinds of chemical warfare canisters in his hands, he became the virtual “Rambo” of the garage jungle! I was especially impressed, in Jerry’s little send-up, by the subtle way he appeals to our cultural hubris: All of life’s problems--except our nationwide system of Love Canals--can be easily and quickly resolved by squirting a bunch of chemicals around.

Well done, Jerry. This brief satire captures the essence of all our collective madness--our ultimate chauvinism, “speciesism,” overkill, our romantic infatuation with miracle medicine, miracle weapons, miracle economics, etc. Let’s hear more from this young man!


Woodland Hills
