
Mark Haynes Asks Giants to Trade Him

From Associated Press

All-Pro cornerback Mark Haynes of the New York Giants asked to be traded Thursday because he cannot reach a contract agreement with the National Football League club he has played with since being drafted out of the University of Colorado.

“I’ve been here five years,” he said. “I’ve been well underpaid. Now the time has come for me to get fair market value.

“If they don’t want a player of my caliber or talent or personality, then do the sensible thing and trade me,” Haynes added.


Haynes, 26, who finished second in the National Football Conference in interceptions last season with seven and 90 yards returned, spoke at a news conference with his agent, Howard Slusher of Rolling Hills, Calif.

“Mark Haynes until two days ago never told me that he wanted to be traded from the New York Giants, but the differences are so profound that I don’t think we could ever make a deal,” Slusher said. “I ask them to do the decent and right thing and to trade Mark.”

Giants General Manager George Young said Thursday that the club “will do what is in the best interest of the New York Giants.”


“I am not going to say whether we will trade him,” Young said.
