
Local News in Brief : Pick-Up Truck Tangles With L. A. Patrol Car

When Margaret Hannaford’s pickup truck had engine trouble Thursday evening, the police were close at hand.

Too close.

The engine died as Hannaford drove to work along busy Winnetka Avenue just north of Vanowen Street about 6:30 p.m., so she attempted to coast to the side of the road.

That’s when she collided with a police car.

Los Angeles Police Officer John Rodgers said his patrol car struck the rear of Hannaford’s truck, spun it around, then hit it a second time, demolishing the front of the vehicle and heavily damaging the front end of his car.


Hannaford, 21, of Encino, and Rodgers escaped serious injury, investigating officers said. Police said no charges were brought against Hannaford.
