

Where else but at the Greek Theatre can a loyal subscriber wind up with worse seats after five years of buying the same concert series?

After carefully renewing my subscription well in advance, I was sent tickets that are four rows behind last year’s and six rows behind my 1983 seats.

A call to the subscription office brought the usual excuse that artist seat demands took precedent over the paying public. A similar explanation was offered after I received tickets for seats in “Nose bleed heaven” for the added Sting concert.

It makes perfect economic sense that the choice tickets for Sting or any other hot attraction are not sold to the public. A few phone calls to neighborhood ticket brokers told me where all of the worthwhile seats had gone. Good seats were available to me at four to eight times face value.

I am not against ticket brokers, as I have utilized their services from time to time. The Greek tragedy is lack of regard by the Theatre’s management for their annual subscribers’ requirements.


Let’s get the tickets into the hands of the people who have supported their programs for years.


Sherman Oaks
