
Bryant-Vanalden Mass Eviction

In celebration of the first anniversary of the 1984 Olympics the Los Angeles City Council approved of a plan Wednesday, Aug. 7, which symbolized the cultural unity of the games. They approved a plan that would allow owners in the San Fernando Valley to evict about 3,000 low-income Latinos who rent there. This is a noble effort to improve a “crime-ridden community” to a more advanced and socially superior white middle-class district.

Thank goodness for Councilman Bernson who understands that improving the living conditions of hard-working financially trapped families has no place in the city of Fallen Angels! What is important is improving the living conditions of slumlords, the moral fiber and strength of this great metropolis.

It is hoped that this action will become a trend and that the next goal will be to evict the members of the greatest crime-ridden community of this town: the L.A. City Council.



Santa Monica
