
Women Groomed for Political Role

I do not agree with Norman Podhoretz’s view (July 19) that women are not made for politics. Woman has been groomed for her role of diplomat and politician by society and her mate since the beginning of humankind. The betterment of the members of her family, their ambitions and problems, have almost always been of prime importance to her.

If she is made for babies and for life, is she not made for power? It was Eve who gave Adam the apple and he, poor fool, ate it. There is an old cliche: Behind every successful man is a woman. That is because she wanted it that way, her man’s success was her success. This is the age of awareness of equality.

Women are now questioning male decisions, their values and their right to power. Women are letting men know that they are capable of playing power games that men play. Proof of capability is shown when one finds women in high positions in corporations and in public service, including politics.


Women, as a speaker at the recent U.N. Decade for Women Conference pointed out, are more concerned with the survival of the planet, development of the human race and a house and a future for one’s children than men. This has to be the ultimate goal for all humankind, and who better to lead us in this endeavor than a woman?

Only a few women may be members of women’s organizations, as Podhoretz says, but individual and collective battles are being fought for the rights of women, just as any other fundamental rights issues are fought. If a woman runs for public office she need not automatically receive all of the female votes, just as a male receives both male and female votes, she can and should expect support from both sexes.

Thank you, Mr. Podhoretz. Your arrogant statements and those of men like you help unite the women of the world as they realize to what extent they have let male superiority and ego rule them. The war is on. They will come out fighting.



