
Madonna Starred in ’80 Porn Film, Now Sues to Bar Release

United Press International

Rock star Madonna has filed a lawsuit seeking to bar the release of a 5-year-old pornographic movie in which she is the star performer.

Madonna, in court papers filed Tuesday, said she had signed a release permitting her voice and body to be featured on the film.

But, she said in papers filed in state Supreme Court in Manhattan, she never authorized the use of her name in connection with the film.


The film, entitled “A Certain Sacrifice” features Madonna in an orgy scene. She is also shown in a rape sequence in a coffee-shop restroom.

Madonna said it was a poor quality film with an even poorer plot.

The film was made in 1980 when Madonna was a 19-year-old aspiring performer with brunette hair. Its producer has said she was paid $100 for her performance.
