
Rates for Cable Television in Torrance to Increase in August

Residents will begin paying more for cable television under an agreement approved last week by the City Council.

The council had challenged Group W Cablevision’s request for higher rates, but decided Tuesday that new federal regulations bar local governments from setting cable rates. Group W announced the increases the next day.

Beginning in August, residents will pay $9.95 a month for premium channels, a $2 increase. Residents who get more than one premium channel will get the additional ones at a discount.


Monthly rates for basic service will go up 55 cents, to $7.50, beginning in September.

The council is still evaluating Group W’s request to reduce channel capacity and to consolidate its citizen access programming with similar channels in neighboring cities. In requesting the changes and the rate increases, Group W cited higher-than-expected costs of installing its Torrance system, which started operating about a year ago.
