
The State - News from June 27, 1985

Siskiyou County residents are seeking a court injunction to temporarily halt apple maggot spraying in California until a hearing can be held on the matter. Citizens for Non-Toxic Pest Control, the Humboldt Task Force and nine individuals filed a lawsuit in Humboldt Superior Court in Eureka aimed at seeking alternate methods of eradicating the apple maggot problem, other than spraying apple trees with the chemical Imidan. Spraying is under way in Siskiyou, Humboldt and Mendocino counties, with plans to add Shasta, Trinity and Del Norte counties. “We don’t believe the chemical is safe,” task force spokesman Jerry Rohde said. Siskiyou County officials discovered apple maggots in August, 1983. Since spraying began last year, no maggots or adult fruit flys have been found, officials said. “We are simply looking for an alternate eradication method,” Rohde said. “The state has not adequately informed the public of possible health hazards.”
