
San Diego

A downtown bank robbery Wednesday morning ended with the robber running into the arms of a security guard from another bank, who held him until police arrived, a San Diego police spokesman said.

The man entered the Sumitomo Bank of California at 11:50 a.m. and presented a teller with a note demanding money, said Bill Robinson, police information officer. The note also indicated the man had a gun, Robinson said. The teller then presented the man with a bag containing about $300, he said.

The man was chased from the bank by Robert Gabardy, a Sumitomo loan officer, Robinson said. The suspect ran into the arms of Gordon Phillips, a security guard with the Bank of California, around the corner from Sumitomo.


Christopher Forrester Bannon, 37, was taken to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he was held on suspicion of robbery.
