
Fake Bomb Threats Hold Up Flights to Italy, England

From United Press International

Two phony bomb threats delayed an Italian-bound Canadian jetliner with 456 passengers in Toronto and caused the diversion to Newfoundland of a British Airways jet with 393 passengers en route from New York to London today.

A Boeing 747 owned by Wardair of Canada was held up at Toronto airport for four hours after an anonymous telephone call said there was a bomb aboard. Toronto police found nothing, and the airliner went on to Calabria.

In London, a British Airways spokesman said a Boeing 747 jumbo jet carrying 393 people on a flight from New York to London was diverted to Newfoundland because of a bomb warning telephoned to its offices in New York.


The airplane was evacuated and a new jumbo jet headed to Gander to pick up the passengers, pending a double search of the plane’s cargo, the spokesman said.
