
COMMENCEMENT 1985 : Cal Poly, Pomona

To celebrate its 29th annual commencement, Cal Poly, Pomona, held ceremonies at 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Saturday in the university quad.

Degrees: 2,573 diplomas awarded, including 347 graduate degrees.

Speaker: Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds of the California State University said: “Three things may help you apply your knowledge in the years ahead. First, learn something new every day. It is the process of asking, searching, reaching, extending, learning, growing that is important. Second, savor life and human contacts. They are what make life worth living. They are what give purpose to our work and make our sacrifices and deprivations easier to bear. Finally, attend to the needs of others, especially the very young and the very old. Contact is an empty gesture if it is not matched by an active commitment to those most in need of our kindness and concern. Those three tasks--growing, caring, providing--comprise your unfinished agenda.”
