

TEAM PLAYERS HOW THEY FARED 1. New England Irving Fryar, wr Injured, showed (from Tampa Bay), (Nebraska) potential through Cincinnati 2. Houston Dean Steinkuhler, og Showed less than (Nebraska) advertised 3. New York Giants Carl Banks, lb Hasn’t proved (Michigan St.) much yet 4. Philadelphia Kenny Jackson, wr Injured, may have (Penn St.) a future 5. Kansas City Bill Maas, dt Jury still out on (Pittsburgh) him 6. San Diego Mossy Cade, db Signed with USFL (Texas) 7. Cincinnati Ricky Hunley, lb Traded to Denver, (Arizona) didn’t play much 8. Indianapolis Leonard Coleman, db Signed with USFL (Vanderbilt) 9. Atlanta Rick Bryan, dt One of the stars (Oklahoma) of the draft 10. New York Jets Russell Carter, db Injured, showed (SMU) promise 11. Chicago Wilber Marshall, lb Great backup on a (Florida) great defense 12. Green Bay Alphonso Carreker, de Exceptional (Florida St.) defensive player 13. Minnesota Keith Millard, de Signed with USFL (Washington St.) 14. Miami Jackie Shipp, lb Has yet to from Buffalo (Oklahoma) prove himself 15. New York Jets Ron Faurot, de Could still develop from New Orleans (Arkansas) 16. Cincinnati Pete Koch, de Didn’t show a from New England (Maryland) great deal 17. St. Louis Clyde Duncan wr Disappointment (Tennessee) so far 18. Cleveland Don Rogers, db One of the most (UCLA) talented youngsters 19. Indianapolis Ron Solt, og Might have been from Denver (Maryland) most talented Colt 20. Detroit David Lewis, te Might have more (California) ability than showed 21. Kansas City John Alt, ot Probably still from LA Rams (Iowa) has a future 22. Seattle Terry Taylor, db Showed considerable (Southern Ill.) ability 23. Pittsburgh Louis Lipps, wr Became an instant (Southern Miss.) NFL star 24. San Francisco Todd Shell, lb Played well for (BYU) the champions 25. Dallas Billy Cannon Jr., lb Injury knocked him (Texas A&M;) out of football 26. Buffalo Greg Bell, rb One of NFL’s from Miami (Notre Dame) finest backs 27. New York Giants Bill Roberts, ot Injured, missed from Washington (Ohio St.) much of the year 28. Cincinnati Brian Blados, og One of NFL’s fine (from LA Raiders), (North Carolina) young prospects through New England
