
Deukmejian and Wife Paid $15,863 in Income Tax

Times Sacramento Bureau Chief

Gov. George Deukmejian and his wife, Gloria, released copies of their 1984 tax returns Tuesday showing they paid $15,863 in federal and state income taxes on an income of $62,713.

A press release accompanying the returns declared that the Deukmejians “supported their family of five” on his salary as governor--$49,974--plus assorted outside income that included interest, dividends and $2,500 for a speech to the Armenian General Benevolent Union.

The Republican chief executive listed his occupation as “Governor-Cal,” and she listed hers as “Housewife.” They listed as dependents their daughters Leslie, 20, and Andrea, 16, and son George, 18.


As they have done in previous years, the Deukmejians checked a box on their federal return earmarking $1 each for the presidential election campaign fund.

But they did not take advantage of the opportunity to donate up to $25 on their state return to the political party of their choice, which would have been in addition to their regular tax liability.

Neither did they donate to any of the other state programs for which voluntary checkoffs are permitted, such as a fund in support of the U.S. Olympic Committee and a fund for protecting endangered species.


The returns show that for the second year in a row they invested $2,250 in an individual retirement account.

But the governor’s office said late Tuesday he would file an amended state return because his accountant inadvertently deducted a portion of the IRA in violation of state law that prohibits members of other qualified pension plans from claiming IRA deductions. Deukmejian is enrolled in the state retirement system.

The Deukmejians made unspecified charitable contributions totaling $972 and paid $601 in general sales taxes, $800 in property taxes on their home in Long Beach and $741 in interest on their mortgage. Their Sacramento home is owned by a nonprofit foundation that bought it with private funds left over from his 1983 inaugural.


Since payroll withholding was not sufficient to cover what the Deukmejians owed in either federal or state taxes, they had to submit a check for $2,603 with their federal return and $1,237 with their state return. They also had to pay a $10 federal penalty for underpayment of taxes during the year because of his outside income.

Because of the IRA error, they presumably will owe the state an additional amount.

In his first year as governor, Deukmejian’s returns showed his only income the previous year--1982--was his salary as attorney general, $47,500. He reported a 1983 income of $58,060, which included his salary as governor plus speaking fees.
