
Abortion Dilemma: ‘How, Not If’

Wood is right on the mark in stating that the abortion question is “how,” not “if.”

The louder the anti-abortionists scream of “babies” lost through abortion, the louder their hidden agenda comes through. To some people, the sex act is sinful and birth is its only absolution.

The unwanted child who grows up to be a murderer was predestined for that role, not goaded to it by a nightmare childhood. The women who will die of coat-hanger abortions if “pro-life” succeeds, need not take the men who impregnated them along; after all, men and women are different.

If this analysis seems unfair, ask yourself a few questions. Where is the pro-life investment in research into new contraceptives? Where is its drive for better sex education? Its sponsorship of expanded adoption services? Given the cost of Molotov cocktails these days, I guess real-life solutions are too expensive.



Los Angeles
