
Indictment of Goetz

If only Goetz had behaved as all good citizens are supposed to behave, he would not have been facing the grand jury for a second time and his legal plight would not be making daily headlines.

With a smile, he should have given the four nice men whatever money they demanded from him. Then he should have allowed them to rough him up a a little; after all, what harm could a screwdriver, especially an unsharpened one, inflict upon the human body? At worst, he could have lost an eye or sustained a punctured heart.

If he had acted property, Goetz would now be going about his normal daily life. Rather than being a household name, he would still be anonymous, just as he prefers. Whatever wounds he sustained would most likely be healed by now. The ordeal would be but a memory, and Goetz would take pride knowing that he behaved as all good citizens are supposed to behave.



Mission Viejo
