
Free Shuttle Starts May 1 in Lawndale

The city’s two free shuttle buses, which are in the style of old-fashioned trolley cars, will begin service on May 1 along routes approved by the City Council. The seven-mile route was designed so that no resident will live more than two blocks from a shuttle stop, according to Planning Director Mark Winogrond. The buses will operate seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekends.

Transportation will be provided to City Hall, schools, city parks, the senior citizens center and commercial areas, including the new South Bay Galleria and neighborhood centers along Hawthorne Boulevard. The route is made up of two loops with Hawthorne Boulevard as the dividing line.

Funds for the service will come from the city’s share of a county transit tax. The trolley theme was chosen to provide a distinctive image for the city.
