

Bill Allen, government professor at Harvey Mudd College, Gene DeAiano, president and chief executive officer of Rancho Bank, and Dean Lewis, operator of Scotts Dairy Stores, have been elected to the Board of Directors of LeRoy Boys Home, a La Verne residential care and treatment home for boys ages 8 to 18.

Gerry Neugebauer of Altadena, physics professor and director of Caltech’s Palomar Observatory, has been awarded the 1985 Space Science Award by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Neugebauer has served as the principal U.S. scientist of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite mission for nine years and has helped develop the instrumentation for the Mariner missions to the planets Mercury and Venus, the Pioneer mission to the planets Jupiter and Saturn and the Viking mission to the planet Mars.

Allan P. Donnelly, a San Gabriel attorney, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Program for the Pasadena area and San Gabriel and Pomona valleys. The Legal Services Program provides legal assistance to low-income and elderly residents.
