
Financing of State Legislative Races in 1984

Figures in these San Gabriel Valley elections are drawn from campaign statements filed with state and county offices. Loans and non-cash aid include all money loaned and any non-monetary services contributed to the campaign. Surplus and deficit figures refer to the cash on hand at year-end, minus outstanding debts. N/A refers to candidates who were not required to file detailed reports because they raised and spent less than $500.

CANDIDATES CASH NON-CASH AID MONEY SURPLUS RAISED AND/OR LOANS SPENT OR DEFICIT STATE SENATE 16th District Walter W. Stiern (D) $16,099 None $15,540 $15,540 21st District Newton Russell (R)* $150,207 $6,335 $212,401 $110,218 Kathy Moyd (D) $11,304 $3,701 $11,840 (--$606) 24th District Art Torres (D) $118,236 None 25th District H.L. Richardson (R)* $498,122 $16,727 $482,436 $53,183 Diana Monaghan (D) $46,306 $123,013 $46,242 (--$1,712) 26th District Joseph Montoya (D) $193,840 $5,000 $226,206 $1,648 31st District William Campbell (R)* $288,105 $5,290 $374,678 $140,310 Stan Caress (D) $2,761 $700 $2,725 $42 34th District Ruben S. Ayala (D) $49,149 $6,804 $62,373 $134,996 ASSEMBLY 41st District Pat Nolan (R)* $425,963 $5,937 $507,270 $33,708 John Vollbrecht (D) $1,979 None $2,054 None Robert T. Gerringer (L) N/A N/A N/A N/A 42nd District Richard Mountjoy (R)* $125,955 $3,817 $119,220 $52,586 Jo Smith (D) $2,848 $150 $2,808 $40 52nd District Frank Hill (R)* $171,798 $10,633 $185,257 $39,481 Dan Arguello (D) $18,175 $870 $16,962 None 55th District Richard Alatorre (D) $341,960 $1,323 $334,491 $160,284 Keith Marsh (R) $516 $2,195 $516 None Arthur L. Rubin (L) N/A N/A N/A N/A 59th District Charles Calderon (D)* $162,055 $6,770 $182,306 $12,156 Barbara Kee (R) $24,957 $13,302 $29,402 (--$726) 60th District Sally Tanner (D)* $122,883 $3,145 $152,021 $35,903 Elizabeth Van Note (R) $5,941 $5,927 $8,639 (--$2,736) 62nd District William Lancaster (R)* $116,646 $4,389 $142,260 $103,646 Richard Santell (D) $850 $40 $835 $15 Mary McConnaghy (L) N/A N/A N/A N/A 65th District Charles Bader (R)* $148,840 $2,347 $164,180 $8,084 Harold Jackson Jr. (D) $5,854 $12,193 $14,844 (--$8,990)

CANDIDATES SHARE OF THE VOTE STATE SENATE 16th District Walter W. Stiern (D) 21st District Newton Russell (R)* 75% Kathy Moyd (D) 25% 24th District Art Torres (D) 25th District H.L. Richardson (R)* 66% Diana Monaghan (D) 34% 26th District Joseph Montoya (D) 31st District William Campbell (R)* 75% Stan Caress (D) 25% 34th District Ruben S. Ayala (D) ASSEMBLY 41st District Pat Nolan (R)* 70% John Vollbrecht (D) 27% Robert T. Gerringer (L) 3% 42nd District Richard Mountjoy (R)* 72% Jo Smith (D) 28% 52nd District Frank Hill (R)* 70% Dan Arguello (D) 30% 55th District Richard Alatorre (D) 70% Keith Marsh (R) 27% Arthur L. Rubin (L) 3% 59th District Charles Calderon (D)* 67% Barbara Kee (R) 33% 60th District Sally Tanner (D)* 67% Elizabeth Van Note (R) 33% 62nd District William Lancaster (R)* 70% Richard Santell (D) 26% Mary McConnaghy (L) 4% 65th District Charles Bader (R)* 67% Harold Jackson Jr. (D) 33%


*Winner, (D) Democrat, (R) Republican, (L) Libertarian
