
Opinion : Era of Openness for County GOP

<i> Thomas A. Fuentes is the new chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County</i>

The Republican Party of Orange County today is healthier, stronger and more open than at any time in our history. We are strong, with 157,172 more registered Republicans than Democrats in the county. The Republican Party has become the party for all county residents, both longtime citizens and new ones.

The party’s tradition of leadership is a meaningful element in our community life. Its stature and importance have gained statewide and national prominence. Orange County is recognized today as the most Republican county in the nation. President Ronald Reagan acknowledged that reality when he launched his landslide 1984 reelection campaign in Fountain Valley. The First Lady later returned to cheer us on in this GOP stronghold.

This community proudly sends a distinguished delegation of dedicated conservative Republican representatives to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Orange County is an anchor to the right for the California ship of state; but still, gale force winds gust from the left, from San Francisco and West Los Angeles. The role of the Republican Party of Orange County is to be vigilant and hard working, to offer the balance of votes so needed in support of our great President and governor.


The leadership of President Reagan and Gov. George Deukmejian has given focus and enthusiasm to the unity and growth of the county party in recent years. New Republicans share in support of these two leaders just as vitally as longtime party stalwarts.

The party has found its unity and growth by opening its arms to the entire Orange County community. We are joined by more new neighbors every day. We now have a very active Hispanic Republican organization. We have a county Black Republican Council. We have a new Korean-American Republican Assn. We have a new Vietnamese/American Republican Club. There are more volunteer Republican clubs alive and well in the county than ever before. The network is vast and a source of great organizational strength. These are signs of the times. All segments of our county population have found a home and a happy family in the Republican Party.

Many new members of the ever-growing and diverse county population have come to join the ranks of the GOP because they have found fundamental, philosophical areas of mutual agreement. The Democrats have abandoned them on family life issues, in opposition to crime, and on a rational tax policy in government.


All of the party’s activities are today open to all. We encourage the full and active participation of all Republicans in all of our endeavors. Every county resident is welcome in the party. There are committees, clubs and organizations for everyone who wants to share in our unity and growth. The party is a modern Populist movement that has caught the spirit and interest of the people of our community.

Young people are joining our ranks in ever-increasing numbers. And the support they showed at the polls for President Reagan was unprecedented. We are anxious that these young people find a cordial and lasting relationship with our party. They give us new vitality. The youth of our community are the future of our party.

Some ask why ? Why have so many county residents of all ages abandoned the Democrats and joined the GOP in recent times? The answer is found in the solid philosophical base that President Reagan, Gov. Deukmejian and our party long have offered. There is real substance in the Republican creed, which is compatible with the patriotism, independent spirit and generous volunteerism of the people of the county. And the GOP’s soundly grounded commitment to traditional family values is that refreshing difference that encourages so many to join us.


The new Republican Party of Orange County is committed to attracting the broad-based participation of all citizens. It is committed to demonstrating that it is the party for everyone. A great new era of openness and hospitality make this a time for joining.
